bike to work!

it’s been raining for 2 weeks at our Taipei design office, ninja A bikes to work to celebrate the beautiful weather.

year end dinner!

good food good people good mochi 🖤


Throwback Tuesday

some overdue photos from mero birthday. we had a mini celebration at our taipei office.

super happy to see some familiar faces!

we're moving...

from our early days of meetings in hotel lobbies to renting a studio and having to google the most basic things like how to make a door sign, the early years of SIM Design has come to an end. (One of my favourites “what does the gas meter look like, where is it, and how do i read it”. And not to mention I was asked to sign the lease in thumbprints because…. somehow…. it’s safer (????)). Many firsts here and i’m thankful for all the memories, it’s been and incredible (DIY) journey so far. stay tuned as we move into our new studio. To the ninja’s who’ve trusted me all this time despite leaking ceilings, sketchy reasons to leave very stable jobs, painful growing pains, and steep learning curves, a big thank you, i luv u!

dear world, prepare for sim design phase 2: pokemon evolution!

k ♥️


we’re back in office, just in time for our giphy master, ninja S birthday! 🖤

this is how you blow the candle in covid situation

this is how you blow the candle in covid situation


due to the covid situation, we’ve been working from home for the past 2 months.
covid may has stopped us from going to the office, but our creativity and fun does’t stop.

mero at 2021 Taipei Baby & Mommy Expo

first show! booth designed and executed within a week.

belated greetings!

merry xmas and happy new year!
better late than never, we had a super fun afternoon making gingerbread houses at the studio.

team outing - glassblowing workshop

It’s our favorite time of the year, team outing! This year we went to hsinchu to learn about recycled glass and tried glassblowing.


new iMac!

it was like xmas morning for our new intern, Eve!

May Birthdays!

It’s pouring rain here in Taipei, the sugar high was just what we needed! Happy Birthday Kyle & Kimmy

Birthday…. pie?

Birthday…. pie?

mero ig behind the scene

how we create all the IG content.

follow us on instagram! 👉🏿 @lovemerojp